Even though it was not an assignment, I was flipping through the pages of our book, and I noticed this essay by Malcolm X. Curiosity took over and slowly, I found myself enjoying it; I found it inspiring. I don't need to imagine the frustration of not being able to express myself because it is just a reality in my life. I struggle with English every single day of my life; if it wasn't because I like it so much, I would have given up a long time ago. In essays like this one, "Learning to Read" by Malcolm X, I find inspiration. However, I have also found out that inspiration alone is just not enough; it also needs to be accompanied with effort and dedication to whatever it is that one is trying to achieve. Nevertheless, inspiration is a good prelude to begin ones journey.
Some people condemn Malcolm X for his means to bring equality to the African-American community. History has proven Malcolm X a necessary man, at a crucial time, for an extremely needed people. His ways might have been rough but, one needs to understand that he was just a product of his environment. I find it interesting how he taught himself while in jail. Reading, coping, and studying dictionaries is an example of tremendous dedication. I wish I had this kind of focus. In this essay (pg.231-14) there is a statement which really caught my attention and it is as follows: "… if you started with a black man, a white man could be produced; but, starting with a white man you never could produced a black man—because the white chromosome is recessive. And since no one disputes that there was but one Original Man, the conclusion is clear." This is crazy! Really interesting isn't it?
I took Biology not too long ago and I don't know what to think of this! Can anybody help? Anybody!