Wednesday, March 11, 2009

“Amor” by Pablo Neruda

Ay, amar es un viaje con agua y con estrellas,
con aire ahogado y bruscas tempestades de harina:
amar es un combate de relámpagos
y dos cuerpos por una sola miel derrotados.

Todo tu cuerpo tiene
copa a dulzura destinada a mí.

Amor mío, si muero y tú no mueres,
amor mío, si mueres y yo no muero,
no demos al dolor más territorio:
no hay extensión como la que vivimos.

Para mi corazón basta tu pecho,
para mi libertad bastan mis alas.
Desde mi boca llegará hasta el cielo
lo que estaba dormido sobre tu alma.

"Love" by Pablo Neruda
Translated by Felipe Navas

Ah, love is like a journey with water and stars,
with asphyxiated air and sudden storms of flour:
To love is a combat of lightening
and two defeated bodies for the same honey.

All of your body is a cup of sweetness destined for me.

Love of mine, if I die and you don't,
Love of mine, if you die and I don't,
Let's not give sorrow a moment:
There is no affection like the one we are living.

For my heart your chest is enough,
for your liberty my wings should set you free.
From my mouth I will deliver a message
of what once slept over your soul
and it should reach the sky.


  1. Great poems! I love the passion in them. Great to see you take a risk and write about some great works! Keep up the great work, see ya on Thursday!!!

  2. Spanish is such a cool language. I read through your poem in Spanish, and found that I could recognize some of the words! It's really great that we have someone in our class that speaks two languages as perfectly as you do. Your posts are always fun to read.
